Our annual Raíces Plant Sale is back this spring and you won’t want to miss it!
Raíces Cooperative Farm members and staff are hard at work preparing for this year’s sale. Be sure to mark your calendar and join us Saturday, May 10, from 9am to 3pm, in The Next Door's parking lot located at 965 Tucker Road in Hood River to get your organic plant starts. This is a one-day only event and all proceeds go to support our Raíces program.
The Raíces Cooperative Farm, a program of The Next Door’s Economic Development Services, is committed to increasing the amount of organic produce available to project members, food banks, and buyers at local farmers’ markets. The program partners with community members across the valley to provide growing land for its members. Participants benefit from the physical and emotional effects of connecting with nature, improved family nutrition, Master Gardener education, and opportunities to sell the produce they grow. To learn more, please visit nextdoorinc.org/economic-development-services.