Youth Services
Our programs focus on helping children gain confidence, social skills, and life experiences that broaden their horizons. The goal is to set youth on the path for healthy, well-adjusted futures by providing youth outreach in schools, life skills training and mentoring programs like Gorge Youth Mentoring.
Our Programs
Our Bridges to Health Community Care Coordinators (CCCs) are the result of the partnership between the Columbia Gorge Health Council and The Next Door. CCC’s are certified Community Health Workers located in both Hood River and Wasco County who empower families most in need to improve overall health and wellbeing and improve access to services and resources by addressing socio-economic disparities such as access to affordable housing or challenges that lead to risk factors in children.
The Systems of Care (SOC) program facilitates community advisory groups that work to identify and address barriers to services in our community. There are several levels of community groups that meet to be solution-focused about the issues our area sees most. Do you know someone who has experienced a barrier or problem while working with child-serving systems, like child welfare, juvenile justice, intellectual/developmental disabilities, education, early learning, substance use treatment, physical, mental or oral health, or other community services? If so, please fill out the form below.
Columbia Gorge Youth Connection is a student support service that places Youth Outreach Workers (YOWs) within local Schools. YOWs assist students with accessing the necessary resources to succeed, connect students to housing and food resources; community-based mentoring, in-school mentoring, mental health care or drug abuse treatment; oversee student support groups such as Inspiration Circle, Guys Group, Gay/Straight Alliance, Libros con Amigos, and Youth Advisory Council; and support students struggling with attendance issues, poor academic performance, family conflict, or personal crisis.
This program provides coaching for families on TANF or who qualify for TANF. Home visiting services support families with children in reaching goals for success by offering support in housing, education, employment, access to childcare, and much more.
Gorge Youth Mentoring is a community-based mentoring program connecting youth ages 6-21 with caring adult volunteers to support them in their interests and needs. Once matched, program participants meet twice a month in a one-on-one setting for a minimum of one year, planning their own activities together. Children and teens who participate in one-on-one mentoring benefit from increased self-esteem and social skills, better school attendance and performance, and reduced substance abuse.
The Independent Living Program (ILP) helps youth who are, or were, in foster care to become self-sufficient adults. It gives an opportunity to learn valuable skills necessary to make a successful transition from foster care to living on their own in the community. Our ILP staff collaborates closely with DHS to provide support to all eligible youth.
For more information about eligibility and services, click here. -
With a focus on making reading fun again, Libros Con Amigos pairs elementary-aged youth with Hood River Valley High School student volunteers.
Native Supports is a coordination of efforts across the Gorge to meet the needs of Native Americans in the Columbia Gorge and connect them with culturally specific resources and knowledge to support Native communities. Our Native Supports team members work with Native American community members in Hood River, Wasco, Skamania, and Klickitat counties. Our HealthConnect Pathways Community Based Workers (CBWs) work with Washington families to improve overall health, wellbeing and to lower barriers to access to services. Our Native American Youth Outreach Workers (NAYOWs) assist Native youth with accessing the necessary resources to succeed, Native community-based mentoring, and oversee students support groups and activities like Native Youth Advisory Council and Native youth cultural activities/events. Our Aging & People with Disabilities Tribal Navigator (APDTN) work with Oregon Native communities members to improve well being of older adults & people with disabilities feel safe and experience their best quality of life.
Nature’s Greatest Strength (NGS) is a free, 6-week summer camp for middle school aged youth offered by The Next Door Inc. This camp combines a curriculum that focuses on diversity equity and inclusion with outdoor, community adventures and lessons about nature in their community. Camp directors and counselors ensure participants enjoy their summer while feeling safe and supported in new experiences.
A paid summer employment program for youth ages 14-19. Youth gain valuable work skills and training with an emphasis on outdoor education and natural resource management. Most work projects are in the Columbia Gorge Scenic Area or the Mt. Hood National Forest area; all are on public land. This program is a partnership between The Next Door, Oregon Youth Corps, the Forest Service, and various project and funding partners. Those interested in being a Crew Member or Crew Leader can apply during the months of April and May at their local The Next Door office or online.
The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 12, 1984, establishing the Crime Victims’ Fund. The Next Door is a recipient of these funds through our Youth Services program. To gain a better understanding of VOCA services, please reach out to our Youth Services team below.
Located in The Dalles, the Youth Drop-In Center is a safe space for runaway, houseless youth, or youth who are finding home life to be challenging and need a safe place to take a break and connections to community resources. We have resources available to meet youth’s basic needs including showers, laundry facilities, meals, hygiene products, and a clothing closet. Books, games, art supplies, a television, gaming system, and so much more create a comfortable space that teens age 14-23 can enjoy.
Program Resources
Systems of Care
Columbia Gorge Barrier Submissions Form
Youth Drop-In Center
Program Flyer
Contact Youth Services
Nature’s Greatest Strength
2024 Nature’s Greatest Strength Camp Flyer